Image by Jake Aldridge from Pixabay You know oftentimes, the cause of runtime or compile errors and hours of debugging agony is all due to simply a missing semicolon. Have you ever had such experience? If you had, you are not alone. There are two ways to avoid these unfortunate situations: either become a perfect developer who never makes mistakes, or use helpful tools such as linters that can catch these errors early on. I am nowhere near being a perfect developer who never makes a mistake. In fact, I'm probably the opposite of a perfect developer, so even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to teach you how to become a perfect developer. But what I can teach you is using linters. A Wikipedia defines a linter as a "static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs." If you're not convinced yet on using linters, consider this scenario: in a large project with multiple members, different people tend to ...
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